Rabu, 28 November 2012

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My Experience in fasting months and Eid Mubarak

                I would like to tell you my experience in our winning time in this year, yeah that’s the Fasting Months and Eid Mubarak 1432 H.

                This is my first fasting months and eid Mubarak when I got school in here, Senior High School Number 1of West Sumatera. My first week of fasting months was I’ve spent in my home, after that I must back to dormitory in Padang panjang, and it would be my first time to spent the fasting months without my family. Almost all of my friend, I mean the girl, was very sad to hear that we must spent our fasting in school, but for me, it doesn’t matter, and I will be happy, if no more exercise that will be given to us.

                My fasting months in dormitory, actually that’s the enjoy time, I thought. Because I will be busy if I still stay at home than spent my time in this dormitory. Because at home, I must cooking , washing the dishes,  and take care of my little sister every day, but in dormitory I didn’t had to do it. Yeah, I really want to gave thanks to my school, because make the school time was over at 12.00 p.m, and then we can use the time until break of fasting to sleep, washed the clothes, finished the exercise and for entertainment.
Okay, I will be honest, I mean me and my friend ever watch a Korean drama in laptop to spent our time in dormitory, yeah.. I really like this drama, I love it. But, exactly, another thing that I won’t had this in my home was I got high motivation to read al-qur’an and finish to read all of them, Alhamdulillah I did to read them. And finally at August 20th 2011 we had to came back to each home and left our beloved dormitory.

                I know, actually I must write the interest things in my fasting and eid Mubarak day, but it will be hard, because my last week of fasting months at home doesn’t gave me this interest event, till during at eid Mubarak, I can’t to found it.
                But, I had something to tell you, so read carefully what I will write after this.
In this Eis Mubarak, all of my mom’s siblings were gathering in my grandma’s house. My home was beside of my grandma’s house, so I will be so busy because the guest, and it happened.
     I had forgot to realize that my guess will be more than I had thought, it emerged that my guess not only from my mom’s siblings but also my grandma’s siblings. And all of them, also bring his/her son and daughter, even his/her granddaughters/son. So, do you know what? My grandma and my house was fulfill by guess, that’s good of course, I can gathered with my big family, as usual we had to made village cuisine, like “Randang dagiang and Randang Baluik”, and others. In this year, my mom made “ Randang Baluik and Sampadeh dagiang “, and made Soto for breakfast after did the Eid prayer in Masjid, we had to ate this together, and this event gave me a feeling of togetherness, and this is the one destinations of our eid mubarak. Everything was all right from the guess, till I must washing a big pile of dishes after we got lunch. Oh my god, that’s so tired for me, and I can’t to do this only 1 times, but if we got eating, I must washed and washed again, Everyday during 1 week. Do you think it’s couldn’t be a feeling of bored, angry or annoyed? I am a good people if I didn’t’ do this, but I did. You know, and I know, that we must serviced our guess well, that’s Islam teached to us, but honestly, I felt it will be hard for me to be an Ikhlas people. But, my suffering was not stop until here, climax of this sufferings was at September 1st 2011 03.00 a.m., one of my grandma’s siblings arrived at my home, and no more empty chamber in my grandma and my house, it seems allright for me if this event didn’t happened. At night, when they arrived, my mom and my dad wake up me and my sister and extort me to move to my mom’s chamber, Err.. I really annoyed at the time. Actually, before they came to my home, my mom told me that my chamber will be use by the guess, but I didn’t want to move to other chamber, because this is the girl’s chamber, and I hope you know, there was many secret in there.   

     But, I can’t to do anything at the time, I just had try to good grace my chamber used by them. Like my Eid Mubarak before, usually, I had to go to my granpa’s siblings with my mom and other niniak mamak’s home for “ Manjalang”, my mom and her siblings went there at the third or fourth day after Eid prayer’s day, but now, because I was so busy because the guests, I didn’t had this event, honestly, I just visit my neighbours’s home and my dad’s hometown while I can’t visit my dad’s siblings’s home because their home was in Jawa Island, just it. 


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