Senin, 03 Desember 2012

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Ant is the creatures who come from Arthropoda Filum, Class of Insecta with Hymenoptera Ordo and Formicidae Family. Right now, there are approximately 10.000-12.000 species of ant. Ant are found in every place in this world, except in Islandia, Greenland, and Hawaii. Ant is the second of strongest animal in this world. Male ant can bring load that more heavy about fifty times than their self.
            Ant live in the colony, which can survive 15 until 20 years. In one colony, there are few female ant, who can reproduce, we called them The Queen. The Queen produced eggs, use the saving sperm from breeding before she become a queen.
            Each ant  that we see always move walk, and walk are the sterile female ant-worker. Male ant hatched from unfertilisation egg, which produce one time in one year, and they will mating with the virgin queen in the sky, and after that they will die.
            There are Four kind of ant :
1.      The Forage. Ant who hunt the food
2.      The Patrol. Go out from nest in early morning and decide where will the ant-worker will search the food
3.      The ant who keep the nest, clean it, and build room in the nest
4.      The ant who work in midden or trash place. There is a sign of their specific stink

Description: C:\Users\planet\Downloads\Semut_files\220px-HoneyAnt.jpgSometime, we see the ant always say “hello” to their friends when they meet. Actually, the fact
each ant use their stink to identification what kind of ant that he meet. Ant has oil layer membrane that made from hydrocarbon  (organic-chemistry ). Every ant’s group, the worker, the forage, the patrol, the “cleaning service “ , and the midden ant have unique hydrocarbon compound. When they meet , ant always touch their antenna into each other. The function of this behavioral is to detect chemistry substance in their friend’s body, so he will know what kind of ant that he meet.
            Ant’s eyesight is not good. Ant use short term-chemistry clue, we called it Feromone that secretion in certain situation. The best information that known from feromone is this substance use for danger signal, it makes ant run around when they disturbed. Some ant secretion this feromone from the tip of their abdomen to sign the way and give the trace that can be followed by other ant. Ant has 12 or 14 different glands to secretion the different substance.
            Ant also sign in religion, such as Islam and Christian.  In Islam ant signed in hadist from Rasulullah S.A.W from Abu Hurairah  that told us that ant is the creature who always pray to ALLAH. And in Christine, ant signed in Bible at old testament.